


ArtdocNet 2025
ArtdocNet 2025
December 28, 2024
The ArtdocNet program of the festival "Artdocfest"-2025.
"Number 17; My House of Horrors" follows the tragic transformation of a single-family home in Vuhledar, Ukraine, amidst the destructive forces of war. The story begins with Marina, a homeowner who, along with her husband and two children, built her dream home on Sadovaya Street, 17, in Vuhledar. This house was a symbol of love, family, and stability, filled with the warmth of daily life and celebrations. But when war struck in February 2022, their home became a place of unspeakable sorrow, and their lives were abruptly upended.

Olexii’s story provides a harrowing account of survival. Once an IT graduate, his life took a drastic turn when he was captured by Russian forces and held as a POW in the basement of Marina's home. His journey is one of starvation, injury, and suffering, but also of a miraculous rescue and, ultimately, hope.

Fima, a Russian naval infantry soldier, represents the other side of the war. A former diving enthusiast from Vladivostok, he evolves into a key figure in Russian war propaganda. Footage of him searching through Marina’s house, even browsing her family photo albums, reveals the chilling ways in which personal spaces are invaded and repurposed during conflict. Fima’s transformation from civilian to soldier underscores the complex and often dehumanising nature of war.
Number 17: My house of Horrors
Victoria Arakelyan, Tatiana Preobrazhenskaya
UK, 2024
27 min
English, Russian, Ukrainian
Throughout 2024, as the conflict in Ukraine drags on, the leadership of European countries has been increasingly warning their citizens about a looming war with Russia—this time on EU territory. Even timelines are being mentioned: anywhere from two to eight years. But what lies behind these alarming statements? Is it a calculated effort to remind Europeans of the importance of supporting Kyiv? Or is the prospect of a war between Russia and the West truly real? If a large-scale war is destined to begin, then where, how, and why might it erupt? Lithuania, Finland, Poland, Estonia—journalists from Dozhd traveled across the European countries neighboring Russia to ask local politicians, experts, and military personnel the tough questions. They also sought to capture the sentiments of residents in these border regions, people who may be standing on the edge of catastrophe.
Waiting for Putin
Konstantin Goldentsvaig
Netherlands, 2024
150 min
"Conquered Chechnya is the cornerstone of Putin's power. It all started there. If we admit that the leader of conquered Chechnya is a scoundrel, what will remain of Putin himself?"

This is how one Russian official responded when asked about the untouchability of Ramzan Kadyrov, who has created a true sultanate within Russia, operating beyond the reach of Russian law.

This documentary is a historical investigation into the blood-soaked path Kadyrov has taken to build his sultanate. It uncovers new evidence of murders surrounding Kadyrov, large-scale corruption of unimaginable proportions, and equally shocking details of his personal life, including a harem with underage concubines and brutal punishments.
Kadyrov's Vertical. A blood-filled biography
Roman Badanin, Mikhail Maglov
Russia, 2024
151 min
On the eve of the 2018 presidential election, Andrey Loshak released the series "The Age of Disagreement", about young supporters of Alexei Navalny who participated in his election campaign.

In the sequel to the series, filmed ahead of the next ‘elections,’ the dramatic changes in the lives of activists over the past six years are chronicled. These activists once dreamed, alongside Navalny, of a beautiful Russia of the future. The filming was almost complete when news of the politician’s death broke. The protagonists of the film are left questioning: how do you live without dreams and hope?
Age of disagreement. 2024
Andrey Loshak
USA, 2024
140 min
Workers climb snowy mountains and old ladies sell flowers on the street, the church bells ring and people hang out at a pagan festival, crazy activists near Kremlin "fight back" the hated America and an former Soviet party worker reflects on the truth and Pontius Pilate, a doctor is proud of his "profession without convictions" and teenagers film TikToks. Even the propaganda machine is more concerned about the upcoming 10th anniversary celebration of the Crimea "joining to Russia".

It seems no one wants to really participate in the life of these elections, only the obedient uneven march of cadets to the polling places remains. The elections without voting. As always voting.
As Always Voting
Kostya Sidenko
Russia, 2024
47 min
Kazakhstan ranks first among post-Soviet countries in the number of rapes per capita. Sexualized violence often remains hidden due to stigma and the victims’ fear of discrimination and misunderstanding. Many cases never reach court, and those that do often face significant challenges within the justice system, including inadequate investigations and biased attitudes from police and judges.

The film tells the real stories of women who have survived violence and features insights from human rights activists deeply engaged in this issue on a daily basis.
Rinat Balgabaev
Kazakhstan, 2004
61 min
Due to a record release of water from the Iriklinsky Reservoir, the provincial Russian city of Orsk found itself in a flood zone. Despite assurances from the city’s mayor, Vasily Kozupitsa, on the evening of April 5, a breach occurred in an earthen dam that had been protecting the Old Town district from the rising waters. The floodwaters rushed toward the residential sector, marking the beginning of a natural disaster that left over 6,000 homes submerged. Houses flooded up to their rooftops; the wailing of sirens and nighttime evacuations; a shortage of drinking water; looting; negligence and hypocrisy from the authorities; alongside the rescue of pets and the aid provided by volunteers—through the eyes of witnesses and those affected by the flood, the film chronicles several days in the life of a city facing nature's wrath. Who is to blame? On a federal TV broadcast, the director of a construction company suggested that rodents might have caused the dam's collapse. But are these the real “rodents,” and, more importantly, who are the true “rodents” in this story?
Denis Platonihin
Kazakhstan, 2024
38 min
The film is composed of clips freely available on the internet. What unfolds on the screen vividly captures the extraordinary absurdity that defines life in modern Russia.
Two hundredths
Konstantin Seliverstov
France, 2024
46 min
We met with the participants of an experiment that shocked the world.

In 1967, students at a high school in Palo Alto asked their teacher, Ron Jones, "How could people allow the Holocaust to happen? Why did everyone obey the villain?" Instead of giving them an answer, Ron proposed an experiment. For several days, the students followed orders without question, refrained from asking unnecessary questions, and even wrote reports on those who resisted the system.

The conclusion of this experiment served as a warning for all of us. Sixty years later, we reunited with Ron and his former students to explore how one can unknowingly turn into a monster—and how to resist that transformation.
Locked in a classroom
Alexander Murashev
Montenegro, USA, 2024
34 min
The last thing Armenian citizens in 2022 expected was that their new neighbors would be thousands of Russians who fled Russia out of conscience or fear of ending up in Ukrainian black soil. Russian propaganda declares them traitors and calls on "those who remained" to unite in hatred against "those who left for warm countries". But are these countries warm? And can’t the "left" themselves cope with their own hatred without help from others?
Tanya Bazhenova
Armenia, 2024
76 min
A documentary by the Dossier Center tells the story of Russian volunteers who have joined Ukraine's side and are fighting for its liberation. In Russia, these individuals are labeled as terrorists: they have crossed into the Kursk and Belgorod regions armed and engaged in battles with the Russian army.

These volunteers made a choice that severed ties with their families and friends. Dossier journalists traveled to the frontlines to explore what drives these Russians to take up arms against their compatriots.

This film is not only a chronicle of the war in Ukraine but also an exploration of deep moral conflicts. It is a story of traitors, heroes, and their tragic futures.
Our Boys. Russian Volunteers in Ukraine
Dossier Center
UK, 2024
22 min
A film about those who left and those who stayed. We meet six protagonists, all from Perm, who opposed the war against Ukraine. Half of them have moved abroad, while the other half remain in Russia. Those who left are learning to live anew, discovering a new world of freedom. Those who stayed are adapting to a new reality of denial and collective silence. Yet, each of them continues to resist Putin's dictatorship in their own way.
Just around the corner
Maria Sovina
Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, 2024
78 min
This film tells the stories of five Russian families who have lost children, mothers, fathers, and grandchildren to shelling. What secret memories do they hold of their departed loved ones? Who do they hold responsible for these deaths? And how do they view the world now? These are the heartfelt monologues of people who have endured the unthinkable yet still retain their capacity for compassion. In this moment, nothing is more important than their words.

Over the two years of military action in Ukraine, the UN estimates that more than 10,000 civilians have died—and the shells continue to claim lives every day.

Novaya journalists are unable to access Ukrainian territory due to censorship and cannot fully tell the stories of what is happening there. This means we cannot speak for the losses on both sides. However, we believe that the pain of losing loved ones is universal, shared equally on both sides of the border.

While we do not forget the grief of our neighbors, we continue to shed light on the tragedy unfolding in our own country.
Unbearably Loud
Anna Artemyeva, Ivan Zhilin
Russia, 2024
62 min
Террористическая атака ХАМАС 7 октября 2023 года повлекла за собой глубокие изменения в Израиле, Секторе Газа и за их пределами. Этот фильм рассказывает о том, как жители Тель-Авива отреагировали на последующую войну и что, по их мнению, принесет будущее.

Летом 2023 года корреспондент DW Кай Штайнеке находился в Тель-Авиве, где снимал программу о стиле жизни. Он встречался с владельцами ночных клубов, креативщиками, рестораторами, активистами ЛГБТК и архитекторами - все они работали в оживленном, либеральном мегаполисе.

Затем случилось 7 октября, и все изменилось. В мае 2024 года Кай встретился с теми же людьми, и они рассказли о своих переживаниях после теракта, о том, как изменилась их повседневная жизнь, и о том, что ждет их страну в будущем. В результате получился трогательный документальный фильм и портрет совсем другого Тель-Авива, чем тот, что был запечатлен годом ранее.
From Nightlife To Nightmare
Boris Claudi
Germany, 2024
43 min
Russian, English
This film is made up of the voices of people scattered all over the world. Someone left their home a long time ago, someone immediately after February 24th in 2022, and someone stayed in Russia. On the first eve of the anniversary of the war in 2023, at the author’s request, the participants sent a video of what life looks like around them. They decided for themselves what was important for them to talk about now: about the war or about life. They decided what to show and how. This is a kaleidoscope of different events of one day, during which everyone is trying to understand how life has changed and what it has become now. The goal of the film was to give the voices of the participants the opportunity to be heard without evaluation or condemnation.
the borderline
Daria Boudanova
Georgia, Russia, 2024
58 min
Russian, Georgian
On March 1, Alexei Navalny's funeral took place in Moscow, with thousands gathering to bid farewell to the politician. The day before, Moscow police erected metal fence corridors in the Maryino district and deployed hundreds of security forces and paddy wagons. The funeral service, held at the Church of the 'Assuage My Sorrows' icon, lasted less than 20 minutes. Only family members were permitted to approach the coffin. After the body was lowered into the ground, police allowed the public to say their final goodbyes to the opposition leader. Lines leading to the church and Borisovskoye Cemetery stretched for several hundred meters, and participants in the farewell procession walked through Maryino, chanting slogans such as 'Freedom for political prisoners,' 'No to war,' and 'Navalny is a hero of Russia.' Mediazona accompanied the crowd along the entire route.
A farewell to Alexei Navalny. Chronicling the funeral
Egor Isaev
Russia, Lithuania, 2024
26 min
Igor S. Kon was a prominent Soviet and Russian sociologist, psychologist, and educator. He pioneered sex education in the USSR, worked extensively with teenagers and queer people, and supported those affected by the HIV epidemic. Despite living through times of repression and censorship, Igor S. Kon never gave up his scientific and educational work, and defended the ideas of individual freedom, equality, and tolerance until his final days.
Why I swam upstream
Igor Sadreev
Germany, 2024
61 min
Russian, English
My name is Alexander Golofast and this is a film about my attempt to fill the stadium for the football team from last place that very few people cared about. This team is from Russia, from the beautiful city of Ivanovo and it has a very unusual and funny name FC Tekstilshchik. I came to Ivanovo on February 23, right the day before the war in Ukraine broke out. So obviously this film is not about football, but it’s not about war either. It’s about the most precious thing in the world — people and their ability to get together and overcome the toughest times both on the football field and life in general
Russian Super Bowl
Alexander Golofast
Russia, 2024
99 min
From laws on propaganda and extremism to forced "treatment for orientation"! Are we truly at this point in history?

This is a collection of dramatic stories from people who have endured so-called conversion therapy. Pilgrimages to Iran, psychiatric hospitals, soul-saving Orthodox monasteries, prisons in the Caucasus, and even sessions of exorcising a jinn... The imagination of those convinced that sexual orientation can be "corrected" knows no bounds.

But what are the consequences of this conviction, and how effective is corrective medicine?
Incurable me
Nikita Loyk
Russia, Portugal, Netherlands, 2023
67 min
Approximately 400 Ukrainian women are currently held captive in Russia, including civilians detained in occupied territories. The fate of many of them has remained unknown since 2014. Civilian Ukrainian prisoners are often accused of extremism and espionage. After their arrest, women are subjected to rape, humiliation, torture, and are forced to dig trenches for the Russian army.

The heroines of Ekaterina Fomina's film are Ukrainian women who managed to escape captivity, as well as the daughter of an elderly woman who has been imprisoned for seven years.
Ekaterina Fomina
Netherlands, 2024
49 min
Helsinki seems to rise organically from the restrained and even austere nature that surrounds it. Across these waterways, forests, and rocky landscapes, thousands of former subjects of the Russian Empire fled to the city after 1917, escaping the revolution, civil war, and Bolshevik repressions—both aristocrats and ordinary people alike.

Many chose Helsinki because of its proximity to Saint Petersburg, but émigrés also arrived from Ukraine, the Baltic states, and the Caucasus, seeking refuge from persecution and striving to preserve their culture and language.

For many, the move was seen as a temporary measure, in the hope that the situation in Russia would soon stabilize. However, Finland, which gained independence in 1917, became a permanent home for many. Over the years, Helsinki hosted notable figures such as Alexander Kuprin, Ilya Repin, Igor Severyanin, Sofia Kovalevskaya, and others.
Helsinki 1917: Escape from the Russian Empire
Vladimir Raevsky
Czechia, 2024
28 min

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